Barnacle Goose
Scientific name
: Branta leucopsis
Other names:
Български: Белобуза гъска
Brezhoneg: Garreli dremm wenn
Català: Oca de galta blanca
Česky: Berneška bělolící
Dansk: Bramgås
Deutsch: Weißwangengans
Esperanto: Blankvanga ansero
Español: Barnacla cariblanca
Eesti: Valgepõsk-lagle
Basque: Branta musuzuri
Suomi: Valkoposkihanhi
Français: Bernache nonnette
Magyar: Apácalúd
Italiano: Oca facciabianca
日本語: カオジロガン
Lietuviškai: Baltaskruostė berniklė
Latviešu: Baltvaigu zoss
Nederlands: Brandgans
Norsk (nynorsk): Kvitkinngås
Norsk: Hvitkinngås
Polski: Bernikla białolica
Português: Ganso-de-faces-brancas
Русский: Белощёкая казарка
Svenska: Vitkindad gås
Türkçe: Ak yanaklı kaz
Short Description
Typical characteristics of the Barnacle Goose are the white face and the white forehead; the beak and neck are black. The underside of the body is silver-white. The wings are black and white cross-striped.
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