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Sightings Rank Points
Birds 19 721


Desert Wheatear
Indian Roller
Red-wattled Lapwing
Sooty Gull
Glossy Ibis
Greater Flamingo
Red-vented Bulbul
Common Myna
Monk Parakeet
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Wood Sandpiper
Great Cormorant
Great Cormorant
Pied Kingfisher
Mauritius Olive White-eye
House Sparrow
Grey Francolin
Village Weaver
Village Weaver
Yellow-fronted Canary
Madagascar Red Fody
Egyptian Goose
Striated Heron
Striated Heron
Scaly-breasted Munia
Madagascar Turtle-dove
Village Weaver
Village Weaver
Zebra Dove
Common Waxbill
Common Waxbill
Mascarene Martin
Mascarene Martin
Madagascar Red Fody
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Madagascar Red Fody
Yellow-legged Gull
Hooded Crow
Red Kite
Eurasian Crag-martin
Yellow-legged Gull
European Roller
Garden Warbler
Eurasian Collared-dove
House Sparrow
Blue Tit
Sandwich Tern
Sandwich Tern
Black-headed Gull
African Sacred Ibis
Herring Gull
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Green Woodpecker
Northern Wheatear
Common Pheasant
Common Pheasant
Common Pheasant
European Robin
European Robin
African Sacred Ibis
Little Egret
Great Egret
Great Egret
Brent Goose
Brent Goose
Brent Goose
Brent Goose
Brent Goose
Great Black-backed Gull
Little Egret
Eurasian Spoonbill
Black-headed Gull
Common Coot
Common Moorhen
Great Cormorant
Great Cormorant
Common Starling
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Eurasian Jackdaw
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
House Sparrow
House Sparrow
Common Raven
Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear
Sardinian Warbler
Hooded Crow
Yellow-legged Gull
Northern House-martin
African Sacred Ibis
Black-billed Magpie
Black-billed Magpie
Common Cuckoo
Common Cuckoo
Common Cuckoo
European stonechat
Herring Gull
Great Cormorant
Little Egret
Common Wood-pigeon
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Eurasian Jay
Song Thrush
Song Thrush
European Greenfinch
Eurasian Chaffinch
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Eurasian Collared-dove
European Robin
Wood Nuthatch
Blue Tit
Barn Swallow
Crested Tit
Common Coot
Song Thrush
Great Crested Grebe
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Common Buzzard
Eurasian Chaffinch
Eurasian Collared-dove
Blue Tit
European Greenfinch
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Eurasian Green Woodpecker
Wood Nuthatch
European Robin
Great Tit
Great Tit
Great Tit
Eurasian Chaffinch
Eurasian Chaffinch
Eurasian Chaffinch
European Robin
European Robin
European Robin
European Robin
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Black-headed Gull
Black-billed Magpie
European Robin
Blue Tit
Common Sandpiper
European stonechat
Great Egret
European stonechat
Atlantic Puffin
Little Auk
Thick-billed Guillemot
Common Eider
Northern Fulmar
Black-legged Kittiwake
Black-legged Kittiwake
Northern Fulmar
Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin
Black Guillemot
Iceland Gull
Common Ringed Plover
Purple Sandpiper
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting
Arctic Tern
Black-legged Kittiwake
Black-legged Kittiwake
Unknown Species
Barnacle Goose
Arctic Tern
Snow Bunting
Black-legged Kittiwake
Arctic Tern
Red Kite
House Sparrow
Eurasian Collared-dove
Spotted Flycatcher
Monk Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Common Moorhen
American White Pelican
Little Blue Heron
Magnificent Frigatebird
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Mourning Dove
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Crested Caracara
Crested Caracara
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Bonaparte's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull
Caspian Tern
Cape May Warbler
Brown Pelican
Northern Mockingbird
West Indian Woodpecker
West Indian Woodpecker
Cuban Amazon
Smooth-billed Ani
Cuban Pygmy-owl
Herring Gull
Brown Pelican
Common Ringed Plover
Common Greenshank
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Unknown Species
Royal Tern
Sandwich Tern
Brown Pelican
American Kestrel
American Kestrel
Great Egret
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Grey Heron
Cuban Emerald
Fernandina's Flicker
Fernandina's Flicker
Smooth-billed Ani
American Redstart
Cuban Trogon
Cuban Trogon
Great Lizard-cuckoo
Great Lizard-cuckoo
Great Lizard-cuckoo
Cuban Tody
Eastern Wood-pewee
Grey Catbird
Mourning Dove
Wood Stork
Cuban Amazon
Cuban Amazon
Cuban Amazon
Cuban Amazon
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Cuban Amazon
Cattle Egret
Greater Antillean Grackle
Greater Antillean Grackle
White Ibis
American Kestrel
Northern Waterthrush
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Cuban Trogon
Grey Kingbird
Little Ringed Plover
Little Blue Heron
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Antillean Palm-swift
Yellow-throated Vireo
Northern Mockingbird
Loggerhead Kingbird
Yellow-faced Grassquit
Red-legged Thrush
Common Ground-dove
Yellow Warbler
House Sparrow
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Double-crested Cormorant
Cuban Pygmy-owl
Cuban Trogon
Cuban Trogon
West Indian Woodpecker
American Kestrel
Great Egret
Cuban Emerald
Cuban Tody
Red-legged Thrush
Greater Antillean Grackle
Greater Antillean Grackle
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Cattle Egret
Common Pheasant
Turkey Vulture
Black Kite
Common Kingfisher
Unknown Species
Caspian Tern
Little Egret
Great Grey Shrike
Grey Heron
European stonechat
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Great Crested Grebe
Little Egret
Eurasian Spoonbill
Spanish Sparrow
Spanish Sparrow
Rock Pigeon
Rock Pigeon
Crested Lark
House Bunting
Unknown Species
Black Wheatear
House Bunting
House Bunting
Crested Lark
Crested Lark
Moussier's Redstart
Black Wheatear
Moussier's Redstart
Thekla Lark
Laughing Dove
White Stork
White Stork
White Stork
Beautiful Sunbird
Blue-naped Mousebird
European Roller
Common Moorhen
Red-eyed Dove
Northern Carmine Bee-eater
Pied Kingfisher
Little Egret
Squacco Heron
Great Egret
Goliath Heron
Black Crake
African Jacana
African Spoonbill
Yellow-billed Stork
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
White-faced Whistling-duck
European Roller
Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill
Crested Guineafowl
Crested Guineafowl
Crested Guineafowl
White-browed Coucal
White Stork
Martial Eagle
Unknown Species
Unknown Species
Cuckoo Finch
D'Arnaud's Barbet
White-headed Buffalo-weaver
Bearded Woodpecker
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo
Double-banded Courser
European Roller
Eastern Chanting-goshawk
Lesser Kestrel
Lilac-breasted Roller
Magpie Shrike
Black-winged Stilt
White-backed Vulture
White-rumped Shrike
Lanner Falcon
Black-winged Kite
Fischer's Lovebird
Red-billed Hornbill
Von der Decken's Hornbill
Von der Decken's Hornbill
White-backed Vulture
White-backed Vulture
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Kori Bustard
Montagu's Harrier
White-backed Vulture
Red-winged Starling
Speckled Pigeon
Unknown Species
Cuckoo Finch
Speckled Pigeon
Hildebrandt's Starling
Common Bulbul
African Pied Wagtail
Hildebrandt's Starling
Golden-breasted Starling
Mourning Wheatear
Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird
Helmeted Guineafowl
Brown Snake-eagle
African Sacred Ibis
Fan-tailed Widowbird
Fan-tailed Widowbird
Unknown Species
Unknown Species
Unknown Species
Blacksmith Lapwing
Crowned Lapwing
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Grey Crowned-crane
Dusky Turtle-dove
Kori Bustard
European Roller
Red-chested Cuckoo
Black-cheeked Waxbill
Purple Grenadier
Lappet-faced Vulture
Variable Sunbird
Great White Pelican
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Marsh Sandpiper
Goliath Heron
Eurasian Spoonbill
Unknown Species
Saddle-billed Stork
African Sacred Ibis
Intermediate Egret
Cattle Egret
Fischer's Sparrow-lark
Fischer's Sparrow-lark
Squacco Heron
Grey Crowned-crane
Tawny Eagle
Long-toed Lapwing
African Jacana
Somali Sparrow
Brown-hooded Kingfisher
Marabou Stork
Griffon Vulture
Lappet-faced Vulture
Griffon Vulture
Marabou Stork
Griffon Vulture
Blacksmith Lapwing
Crowned Lapwing
Intermediate Egret
Grey Crowned-crane
Helmeted Guineafowl
Grey Crowned-crane
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Spotted Flycatcher
House Crow
Little Stint
Little Ringed Plover
Little Stint
Marsh Sandpiper
Black Heron
Superb Starling
Little Egret
House Crow
African Thrush
White-headed Mousebird
Grey Wren-warbler
Grey Woodpecker
Egyptian Goose
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Helmeted Guineafowl
Hadada Ibis
Pink-backed Pelican
Pink-backed Pelican
Pink-backed Pelican
Black Crake
Little Egret
Wire-tailed Swallow
African Fish-eagle
African Fish-eagle
African Fish-eagle
African Fish-eagle
Grey Heron
Reed Cormorant
African Sacred Ibis
Black-crowned Night-heron
Marsh Sandpiper
Spur-winged Lapwing
Pied Kingfisher
Pied Kingfisher
Grey-headed Gull
Marabou Stork
Blacksmith Lapwing
Egyptian Goose
Little Grebe
Reed Cormorant
Reed Cormorant
Reed Cormorant
Reed Cormorant
Reed Cormorant
Flightless Cormorant
Brown Babbler
Laughing Dove
Speckled Mousebird
Common Bulbul
Hildebrandt's Starling
White-browed Robin-chat
Vitelline Masked-weaver
Vitelline Masked-weaver
Vitelline Masked-weaver
Vitelline Masked-weaver
Vitelline Masked-weaver
Clarke's Weaver
Common Tern
Great Cormorant
Herring Gull
Zitting Cisticola
European Turtle-dove
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Little Egret
Common Sandpiper
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Common Kestrel
Eurasian Curlew
Common Starling
Common Tern
European Goldfinch
White Wagtail
Barn Swallow
Little Egret
European Serin
Northern House-martin
Pied Avocet
Eurasian Collared-dove
Grey Heron
Mute Swan
African Sacred Ibis
Ruddy Turnstone
Little Egret
Common Coot
Bar-tailed Godwit
Eurasian Green Woodpecker
Eurasian Blackbird
Black-billed Magpie
Common Buzzard
Augur Buzzard
Bronze-tailed Glossy-starling
Grey Crowned-crane
Wood Sandpiper
Coqui Francolin
Schlegel's Francolin
Red-billed Oxpecker
Great Grey Shrike
Ussher's Flycatcher
African Spoonbill
Egyptian Goose
Speckled Mousebird
Unknown Species
Black-backed Puffback
Red-headed Weaver
African Crested-flycatcher
Red-headed Weaver
Brown-crowned Tchagra
Blue-breasted Cordonbleu
Mourning Collared-dove
Hildebrandt's Starling
Heuglin's Masked-weaver
Common Bulbul
Red-billed Oxpecker
Northern Anteater-chat
Crowned Lapwing
Helmeted Guineafowl
Hadada Ibis
Common Bulbul
African Thrush
Black-rumped Waxbill
Pied Crow
Hadada Ibis
Black Kite
Baglafecht Weaver
Rueppell's Weaver
Cattle Egret
Baglafecht Weaver
Rueppell's Weaver
Superb Starling
Northern House-martin
Mute Swan
Yellow-legged Gull
Great Cormorant
Cattle Egret
Short-toed Treecreeper
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Long-eared Owl
European Robin
Eurasian Green Woodpecker
Eurasian Jay
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Crested Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Common Wood-pigeon
Winter Wren
Hedge Accentor
Eurasian Chaffinch
Greylag Goose
Yellow-legged Gull
White Wagtail
Mute Swan
Sandwich Tern
Glossy Ibis
Eurasian Oystercatcher
Indian Peafowl
Yellow-legged Gull
White Stork
Greater Flamingo
Black-winged Stilt
Grey Heron
European Bee-eater
Little Egret
Greater Flamingo
Grey Heron
Great Grey Shrike
Spanish Sparrow
Laughing Dove
Unknown Species
Common Kingfisher
Grey Heron
Common Kingfisher
Greylag Goose
Greylag Goose
Hooded Crow
Common Coot
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Song Thrush
Great Egret
European Goldfinch
Pied Avocet
Common Tern
Northern Gannet
Common Starling
Southern Ground-hornbill
Eurasian Chaffinch
Wood Nuthatch
Common Kingfisher
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Common Kestrel


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