Great White Pelican

Scientific name : Pelecanus onocrotalus
Other names: Български: Розов пеликан , Brezhoneg: Pilikant gwenn , Català: Pelicà vulgar , Česky: Pelikán bílý , Dansk: Hvid Pelikan , Deutsch: Rosapelikan , Esperanto: Blanka pelikano , Español: Pelícano común , Suomi: Pelikaani , Français: Pélican blanc , Magyar: Rózsás gödény , Italiano: Pellicano bianco , 日本語: モモイロペリカン , Lietuviškai: Rožinis pelikanas , Latviešu: Sārtais pelikāns , Nederlands: Roze pelikaan , Norsk: Hvitpelikan , Polski: Pelikan różowy , Português: Pelicano-branco , Русский: Розовый пеликан , Svenska: Vit pelikan , Türkçe: Ak pelikan , Українська: Рожевий пелікан

Short Description

Adult white pelicans have a predominantly white plumage that looks tends to look like pink. The wing feathers are black, for which the underwing becomes a black-white appearance. The throat pouch of the large pink to orange beak is yellow ...

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Pelecanus onocrotalus
Photo: Frank Hecker


Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican
Great White Pelican


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