Great Black-backed Gull
Scientific name
: Larus marinus
Other names:
Български: Голяма черногърба чайка
Brezhoneg: Gouelan bras
Català: Gavinot
Česky: Racek mořský
Dansk: Svartbag
Deutsch: Mantelmöwe
Esperanto: Nigramantela mevo
Español: Gavión atlántico
Eesti: Merikajakas
Basque: Kaio beltz
Suomi: Merilokki
Français: Goéland marin
Magyar: Dolmányos sirály
Italiano: Mugnaiaccio
日本語: オオカモメ
Lietuviškai: Balnotasis kiras
Latviešu: Melnspārnu kaija
Nederlands: Grote mantelmeeuw
Norsk (nynorsk): Svartbak
Norsk: Svartbak
Polski: Mewa siodłata
Português: Alcatraz-comum
Русский: Морская чайка
Svenska: Havstrut
Türkçe: Büyük kara sırtlı martı
Short Description
Its plumage is white, and the upper sides of the wings are black. At the front of the underparts the strong yellow beak has a red spot.
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