Common Shelduck
Scientific name
: Tadorna tadorna
Other names:
Български: Бял ангъч
Brezhoneg: Tadorn roueel
Català: Ànec blanc
Česky: Husice liščí
Dansk: Gravand
Deutsch: Brandgans
Esperanto: Ordinara tadorno
Español: Tarro blanco
Eesti: Ristpart
Basque: Paita arrunt
Suomi: Ristisorsa
Français: Tadorne de Belon
Magyar: Bütykös ásólúd
Italiano: Volpoca
日本語: ツクシガモ
Lietuviškai: Urvinė antis
Latviešu: Sāmsalas dižpīle
Nederlands: Bergeend
Norsk (nynorsk): Gravand
Norsk: Gravand
Polski: Ohar
Português: Pato-branco
Русский: Пеганка
Svenska: Gravand
Türkçe: Suna
Українська: Галагаз
Short Description
In display dress, male birds have a black green head and in front of neck. There is a long greenblack stripe starting from the shoulders and going down the body. Around the front part of the breast there is a ...
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