Alpine Accentor

Scientific name : Prunella collaris
Other names: Български: Пъстрогуша завирушка , Brezhoneg: Gwrac'hig-venez , Català: Cercavores , Česky: Pěvuška podhorní , Dansk: Alpejernspurv , Deutsch: Alpenbraunelle , Esperanto: Alpopronelo , Español: Acentor alpino , Basque: Mendi-tuntun , Suomi: Alppirautiainen , Français: Accenteur alpin , Magyar: Havasi szürkebegy , Italiano: Sordone , 日本語: イワヒバリ , Latviešu: Alpu peļkājīte , Nederlands: Alpenheggenmus , Norsk (nynorsk): Alpejernsporv , Norsk: Alpejernspurv , Polski: Płochacz halny , Português: Ferreirinha-alpina , Русский: Альпийская завирушка , Svenska: Alpjärnsparv , Türkçe: Büyük dağ bülbülü , Українська: Тинівка альпійська

Short Description

Among the characteristic features of this bird type of the Prunella genus are a clear black speckled throat and a red-brown edge drawing. The front of the body is lead-grey. The wing shows two white bandages, the tail end is ...

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Prunella collaris
Photo: Florian Schott / License: GFDL,CC BY SA 3.0


Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
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Alpine Accentor


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