Collared Flycatcher
Scientific name
: Ficedula albicollis
Other names:
Български: Беловрата мухоловка
Brezhoneg: Flouperig kolierek
Català: Papamosques de collar
Česky: Lejsek bělokrký
Dansk: Hvidhalset Fluesnapper
Deutsch: Halsbandschnäpper
Esperanto: Blankakola muŝkaptulo
Español: Papamoscas collarino
Suomi: Sepelsieppo
Français: Gobemouche à collier
Magyar: Örvös légykapó
Italiano: Balia dal collare
Lietuviškai: Baltakaklė musinukė
Latviešu: Baltkakla mušķērājs
Nederlands: Withalsvliegenvanger
Norsk: Halsbåndfluesnapper
Polski: Muchołówka białoszyja
Русский: Мухоловка-белошейка
Svenska: Halsbandsflugsnappare
Türkçe: Halkalı sinekkapan
Short Description
A small and compact bird. Its wings are short and pointed, and its fan-shaped tail is short and thin. Male birds have a striking black and white pattern.
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