Ring Ouzel
Scientific name
: Turdus torquatus
Other names:
Български: Белогуш дрозд
Brezhoneg: Moualc'h-venez
Català: Merla de pit blanc
Česky: Kos horský
Dansk: Ringdrossel
Deutsch: Ringdrossel
Esperanto: Rubandoturdo
Español: Mirlo capiblanco
Eesti: Kaelusrästas
Basque: Zozo paparzuri
Suomi: Sepelrastas
Français: Merle à plastron
Magyar: Örvös rigó
Italiano: Merlo dal collare
日本語: クビワツグミ
Lietuviškai: Baltagurklis strazdas
Latviešu: Apkakles strazds
Nederlands: Beflijster
Norsk (nynorsk): Ringtrast
Norsk: Ringtrost
Polski: Drozd obrożny
Português: Melro-de-peito-branco
Русский: Белозобый дрозд
Svenska: Ringtrast
Türkçe: Boğmaklı ardıç kuşu
Українська: Дрізд гірський
Short Description
Male birds have a black plumage, an underside with white edges and a noticeable white breast stripe. In female birds the coloring is closer to brown, and the breast stripe is pale grey.
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