Western Marsh-harrier
Scientific name
: Circus aeruginosus
Other names:
Български: Тръстиков блатар
Brezhoneg: Skoul-korz
Català: Arpella vulgar
Česky: Moták pochop
Dansk: Rørhøg
Deutsch: Rohrweihe
Esperanto: Marĉa cirkuo
Español: Aguilucho lagunero
Eesti: Roo-loorkull
Basque: Zingira-mirotz
Suomi: Ruskosuohaukka
Français: Busard des roseaux
Magyar: Barna rétihéja
Italiano: Falco di palude
日本語: ヨーロッパチュウヒ
Lietuviškai: Nendrinė lingė
Latviešu: Niedru lija
Nederlands: Bruine kiekendief
Norsk (nynorsk): Sivhauk
Norsk: Sivhauk
Polski: Błotniak stawowy
Português: Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis
Русский: Болотный лунь
Svenska: Brun kärrhök
Türkçe: Kızıl tuygun
Українська: Лунь очеретяний
Short Description
The larger and heavier females have a consistent dark brown plumage, and the head is only a little pale. Rust-brown colored male birds are silver-grey colored in the middle area of the wings, and the wing tips are black.
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