Cinereous Vulture

Scientific name : Aegypius monachus
Other names: Български: Черен лешояд , Brezhoneg: Gup du , Català: Voltor negre , Česky: Sup hnědý , Dansk: Munkegrib , Deutsch: Mönchsgeier , Esperanto: Monaĥvulturo , Español: Buitre negro , Basque: Sai motz , Suomi: Munkkikorppikotka , Français: Vautour moine , Magyar: Barátkeselyű , Italiano: Avvoltoio monaco , 日本語: クロハゲワシ , Latviešu: Melnais grifs , Nederlands: Monniksgier , Norsk: Munkegribb , Polski: Sęp kasztanowaty , Português: Abutre-preto , Русский: Чёрный гриф , Svenska: Grågam , Türkçe: Kara akbaba , Українська: Гриф чорний

Short Description

The plumage in males and females is mostly dark brown, but appears almost black. With age they show a light brown dress collar on their featherless, grayish-blue necks, and a bright peak on the back of the head. The top ...

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Aegypius monachus
Photo: Frank Hecker


Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture


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