American Swallow-tailed Kite
Scientific name
: Elanoides forficatus
Other names:
Català: Milà cuaforcat
Dansk: Svalehaleglente
Deutsch: Schwalbenweih
Esperanto: Hirundovosta milvo
Español: Milano Tijereta
Français: Milan à queue fourchue
Magyar: Fecskefarkú kánya
日本語: ツバメトビ
Nederlands: Zwaluwstaartwouw
Polski: Jaskólak
Português: Gaviao-tesoura
Svenska: Svalstjärtsglada
Türkçe: Kırlangıç kuyruklu çaylak
Short Description
It is distributed within a range of 13,300,000 km² where it can be found at heights between 300m and 1850m above sea level, rarely even at 5000m.
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