Aleutian Tern

Scientific name : Sterna aleutica
Other names: Brezhoneg: Skrav aleout , Català: Xatrac de les Aleutianes , Česky: Rybák aleutský , Dansk: Beringsterne , Deutsch: Aleutenseeschwalbe , Esperanto: Aleŭta ŝterno , Español: Charrán Aleutiano , Basque: Aleutiar txenada , Suomi: Aleuttientiira , Français: Sterne des Aléoutiennes , Magyar: Bering-csér , Italiano: Onychoprion aleuticus , 日本語: コシジロアジサシ , Nederlands: Aleoetenstern

Short Description

It is distributed within an area of 223,000 km².

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Sterna aleutica
Photo: / Robert Royse


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