Mediterranean Gull
Scientific name
: Larus melanocephalus
Other names:
Български: Малка черноглава чайка
Brezhoneg: Gouelanig penn du
Català: Gavina capnegra
Česky: Racek černohlavý
Dansk: Sorthovedet Måge
Deutsch: Schwarzkopfmöwe
Esperanto: Nigrakapa mevo
Español: Gaviota cabecinegra
Eesti: Karbuskajakas
Basque: Antxeta burubeltz
Suomi: Mustanmerenlokki
Français: Mouette mélanocéphale
Magyar: Szerecsensirály
Italiano: Gabbiano corallino
日本語: ニシズグロカモメ
Lietuviškai: Juodagalvis kiras
Latviešu: Melngalvas kaija
Nederlands: Zwartkopmeeuw
Norsk: Svartehavsmåke
Polski: Mewa czarnogłowa
Português: Gaivota-de-cabeça-preta
Русский: Черноголовая чайка
Svenska: Svarthuvad mås
Türkçe: Akdeniz martısı
Short Description
In breeding plumage Mediterranean Gulls have a white eye clip, a black head to up to the neck and a thick red beak. The top is light gray, the underside of the primaries, which usually are gray wings, are white. ...
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