Long-tailed Jaeger

Scientific name : Stercorarius longicaudus
Other names: Български: Малък морелетник , Brezhoneg: Sparfell-vor lostek , Català: Paràsit cuallarg , Česky: Chaluha malá , Dansk: Lille Kjove , Deutsch: Falkenraubmöwe , Esperanto: Longvosta rabmevo , Basque: Marikoi isatsluze , Suomi: Tunturikihu , Français: Labbe à longue queue , Magyar: Nyílfarkú halfarkas , Italiano: Labbo codalunga , 日本語: シロハラトウゾクカモメ , Lietuviškai: Uodeguotasis plėšikas , Latviešu: Garastes klijkaija , Nederlands: Kleinste jager , Norsk (nynorsk): Fjelljo , Norsk: Fjelljo , Polski: Wydrzyk długosterny , Português: Moleiro-de-cauda-comprida , Русский: Длиннохвостый поморник , Svenska: Fjällabb , Türkçe: Uzun kuyruklu korsan martı

Short Description

Long-tailed Skuas have a black head and neck, darker gray-brown wings and darker hand wings. The neck and breast are white and the tail is long and distinctive. Young birds have a gray-brown plumage and heavily fringed lower wings banded

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Stercorarius longicaudus
Photo: Frank Hecker


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