Red Knot
Scientific name
: Calidris canutus
Other names:
Български: Голям брегобегач
Brezhoneg: Sourouc'han morlerek
Català: Territ gros
Česky: Jespák rezavý
Dansk: Islandsk Ryle
Deutsch: Knutt
Esperanto: Granda kalidro
Español: Correlimos Gordo
Basque: Txirri lodi
Suomi: Isosirri
Français: Bécasseau maubèche
Magyar: Sarki partfutó
日本語: コオバシギ
Lietuviškai: Islandinis bėgikas
Nederlands: Kanoetstrandloper
Norsk (nynorsk): Polarsnipe
Norsk: Polarsnipe
Polski: Biegus rdzawy
Português: Macarico-de-papo-vermelho
Русский: Исландский песочник
Svenska: Kustsnäppa
Türkçe: Büyük kum kuşu
Українська: Побережник ісландський
Short Description
Its habitat has an area of 1,600,000 km² where it usually can be found at an altitude from sea level up to 300m above sea level.
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