Lesser Yellowlegs

Scientific name : Tringa flavipes
Other names: Brezhoneg: Strelleg bihan pavioù melen , Català: Gamba groga petita , Dansk: Lille Gulben , Deutsch: Kleiner Gelbschenkel , Esperanto: Flavkrura tringo , Español: Archibebe Patigualdo Chico , Basque: Kuliska hankahori , Suomi: Keltajalkaviklo , Français: Petit Chevalier , Magyar: Sárgalábú cankó , 日本語: コキアシシギ , Nederlands: Kleine Geelpootruiter , Norsk: Gulbeinsnipe , Polski: Brodziec żółtonogi , Português: Macarico-de perna amarella , Русский: Желтоногий улит , Svenska: Mindre gulbena , Türkçe: Küçük sarıbacak , Українська: Жовтоногий коловодник

Short Description

Its geographic expansion has a range of 4,590,000 km².

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Tringa flavipes
Photo: birdimagency.com / Jacob Spendelow


Lesser Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs


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