Little Owl

Scientific name : Athene noctua
Other names: Български: Домашна кукумявка , Brezhoneg: Kaouenn vihan , Català: Mussol comú , Česky: Sýček obecný , Dansk: Kirkeugle , Deutsch: Steinkauz , Esperanto: Noktuo , Español: Mochuelo europeo , Basque: Mozolo , Suomi: Minervanpöllö , Français: Chevêche d'Athéna , Magyar: Kuvik , Italiano: Civetta , 日本語: コキンメフクロウ , Lietuviškai: Pelėdikė , Latviešu: Mājas apogs , Nederlands: Steenuil , Norsk: Kirkeugle , Polski: Pójdźka zwyczajna , Português: Mocho-galego , Русский: Домовый сыч , Svenska: Minervauggla , Türkçe: Kukumav , Українська: Сич хатній

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Short Description

The Little Owl is a small type of owl with a short tail and a faintly-marked facial disc. The sepia-brown upper side of the body is white speckled and has cross stripes. The undertail coverts are pale and have dark ...


Chiara Guadagnini
Little Owl
Andreas Richter
Little Owl
Chiara Guadagnini
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Chiara Guadagnini
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Daniel Segelcke
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
José Almeida
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl


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