Great Grey Owl

Scientific name : Strix nebulosa
Other names: Brezhoneg: Kaouenn lapon , Català: Gamarús de Lapònia , Česky: Puštík vousatý , Dansk: Lapugle , Deutsch: Bartkauz , Esperanto: Lapona strigo , Español: Cárabo lapón , Eesti: Habekakk , Suomi: Lapinpöllö , Français: Chouette lapone , Magyar: Szakállas bagoly , Italiano: Allocco di Lapponia , 日本語: カラフトフクロウ , Lietuviškai: Laplandinė pelėda , Latviešu: Ziemeļpūce , Nederlands: Laplanduil , Norsk (nynorsk): Lappugle , Norsk: Lappugle , Polski: Puszczyk mszarny , Português: Coruja-lapónica , Русский: Бородатая неясыть , Svenska: Lappuggla , Українська: Сова бородата

Short Description

Great Grey Owls are the biggest European owls. They have a large head with yellow eyes. The gray face has a white center and the neck is thick.

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Strix nebulosa
Photo: Frank Hecker


Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl


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