Carpathian Shepherd Dog

Breed name : Carpathian Shepherd Dog
Other names: Български: Карпатска овчарка , Deutsch: Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin , Español: Pastor de los Cárpatos , Suomi: Karpaattienkoira , Français: Chien de berger roumain des Carpathes , Magyar: Kárpáti pásztorkutya , Italiano: Romanian Carpathian shepherd dog , 日本語: カルパチアン・シェパード・ドッグ , Nederlands: Ciobanesc romanesc carpatin , Português: Pastor do Sudeste Europeu , Română: Ciobănesc românesc carpatin , Русский: Румынская карпатская овчарка , Svenska: Ciobanesc romanesc carpatin

Short Description

The Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin has a wolf-like, tall and strong appearance. He is a shepherd herding dog from the Danube region of the Carpathian Mountains. He is bred mainly by shepherds for their own needs with a special focus on ...

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Carpathian Shepherd Dog
Photo: Ionete, Caronna,Caronna,Ionete / License: Public domain,Public domain


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