South Russian Shepherd Dog

Breed name : South Russian Shepherd Dog
Other names: Български: Южноруска овчарка , Česky: Jihoruský ovčák , Dansk: Sydrussisk Ovcharka , Deutsch: Südrussischer Owtscharka , Español: Pastor del sur de Rusia , Suomi: Etelävenäjänkoira , Français: Berger de Russie méridionale , Magyar: Délorosz juhászkutya , Bahasa Indonesia: Anjing gembala Rusia Selatan , Italiano: Cane da pastore della Russia meridionale , 日本語: サウス・ロシアン・シェパード・ドッグ , Nederlands: Zuid-Russische owcharka , Norsk: Sydrussisk ovtcharka , Polski: Owczarek południoworosyjski Jużak , Português: Pastor-da-rússia-meridional , Русский: Южнорусская овчарка , Svenska: Juzjnorusskaja ovtjarka , Українська: Південноросійська вівчарка

Short Description

The South Russian Ovtcharka is a large, long-haired sheperd dog. The hair ranges in color from white to gray. He is a reliable sheperd with a powerful physique and distinctive protective instinct. It is advisable to socialize him early so ...

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South Russian Shepherd Dog
Photo: user:Przykuta / License: CC BY-SA 3.0


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