
Breed name : Saarlooswolfhond
Other names: Български: Сарлосово вълче куче , Català: Gos llop de Saarloos , Česky: Saarloosův vlčák , Deutsch: Saarlooswolfhund , Français: Chien-loup de Saarloos , עברית: כלב-זאב סאארלוס , Magyar: Saarloosi farkaskutya , Italiano: Cane lupo di Saarloos , 日本語: サーロス・ウルフホンド , Latviešu: Sārlosa vilkusuns , Norsk: Saarloos wolfhond , Português: Cão lobo de Saarloos , Русский: Волчья собака Сарлоса , Svenska: Saarloos wolfhond , Українська: Вовча собака Сарлоса

Short Description

The Saarloos wolfdog is a large, wolf-like dog, who owes his name to the breeder Leendert Saarloos. He is a cross between German Shepherd and wolf. This dog breed has a seasonal coat (in summer the outer coat dominates, in ...

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Photo: LaarsJuliaan / License: CC BY-SA 3.0


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