Dutch Shepherd Dog

Breed name : Dutch Shepherd Dog
Other names: Català: Gos de pastor holandès , Česky: Holandský ovčák , Deutsch: Hollandse Herdershond , Español: Pastor holandés , Suomi: Hollanninpaimenkoira , Français: Berger hollandais , עברית: רועה הולנדי , Italiano: Cane da pastore olandese , 日本語: ダッチ・シェパード , Latviešu: Holandes aitusuns , Nederlands: Hollandse herder , Norsk: Hollandsk gjeterhund , Polski: Owczarek holenderski , Português: Pastor-holandês , Русский: Голландская овчарка , Svenska: Hollandse herdershond

Short Description

Dutch Shepherds (Hollandse Herdershonde) are large and athletic herding dogs from the Netherlands, which are closely related to the German and Belgian shepherds. They come in two versions, wire-haired (gray and brown brindled) and long-haired (pepper and salt brindled or ...

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Dutch Shepherd Dog
Photo: Drab Makyo / License: CC BY 2.0


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