Fox Terrier (Smooth)

Breed name : Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Other names: Български: Гладкокосмест фокстериер , Català: Fox terrier de pèl llis , Česky: Foxteriér hladkosrstý , Cymraeg: Daeargi Llyfn Codi Cadno , Deutsch: Foxterrier (Glatthaar) , Español: Fox terrier de pelo liso , Suomi: Sileäkarvainen kettuterrieri , Français: Fox terrier à poil lisse , Magyar: Simaszőrű foxterrier , 日本語: スムース・フォックス・テリア , Latviešu: gludspalvainais foksterjers , Polski: Foksterier krótkowłosy , Português: Fox terrier de pelo liso , Română: Fox Terrier cu blană întinsă , Русский: Гладкошёрстный фокстерьер , Svenska: Släthårig foxterrier , Українська: Гладкошерстий фокстер'єр

Short Description

The Smooth Fox Terrier's former profession was in fox bolting. A fox bolting dog would accompany a pack of foxhounds and "bolt" after foxes, driving them out from their hiding spots and into the line of sight of the larger ...

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Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Photo: Pleple2000 / License: GFDL, CC BY SA 3.0


Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Fox Terrier (Smooth)


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