Osier (Common)

Scientific name : Salix viminalis
Other names: Български: Ракита , Česky: Vrba košíkářská , Dansk: Bånd-Pil , Deutsch: Weide (Korb-) , Español: Mimbrera blanca , Eesti: Vitspaju , Suomi: Koripaju , Français: Saule des Vanniers , Italiano: Salice bianco , Lietuviškai: Žilvitinis karklas , Latviešu: Klūdziņu kārkls , Nederlands: Katwilg , Norsk: Kurvpil , Polski: Wierzba wiciowa , Português: Salgueiro branco , Русский: Ива прутовидная, Ива корзиночная, Белотал, Верболоз, Лоза, Кузовица , Slovensky: Vŕba košikárska , Svenska: Korgvide , Türkçe: Sepetçi söğüdü

Short Description

Large shrub or small, up to 10 m high tree, with thin, initially grey felted haired, later glabrous brownish-green twigs; Alternate leaves, short petiolated, 12 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide, long, tapered at the top, at the ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Osier (Common)


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