White Willow

Scientific name : Salix alba
Other names: Български: Бяла върба , Català: Salze blanc , Česky: Vrba bílá , Dansk: Hvid-Pil , Deutsch: Silber-Weide , Español: Sauce blanco , Eesti: Hõberemmelgas , Suomi: Valkosalava, valkopaju , Français: Saule blanc , Hrvatski: Bijela vrba , Italiano: Salice bianco, Salice da Pertiche , Lietuviškai: Baltasis gluosnis , Latviešu: Baltais vītols , Nederlands: Schietwilg , Norsk: Hvitpil , Polski: Wierzba biała , Português: Salgueiro-branco , Русский: Ива белая , Slovensky: Vŕba biela , Slovenščina: Bela vrba , Svenska: Vitpil , Türkçe: Ak söğüt

Short Description

Deciduous, up to 20 m high tree with open, wide, at higher ages usually irregular crown on a thick stem, which splits shortly above the ground in several main branches; Bark yellowish on the flexible shoots with darker lenticels, later ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Salix alba
Photo: Willow / License: CC-BY-SA-3.0, GFDL, CC-BY-2.5


White Willow
White Willow
White Willow


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