Quaking Aspen

Scientific name : Populus tremuloides
Other names: Deutsch: Zitterpappel (Amerikanische) , Esperanto: Ŝajntremola poplo , Español: Álamo temblón , Suomi: Amerikanhaapa , Français: Peuplier faux-tremble , Slovensky: Topoľ osikovitý , Türkçe: Amerika titrek kavağı

Short Description

Medium-sized, up to 20 m high tree with usually slim, not too dense crown; Bark bright, smooth, only on very old specimens dark grey and somewhat fissured; Slim twigs, shiny brown, glabrous; Leaves 3 - 8 cm long and almost ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Populus tremuloides
Photo: Matt Lavin / License: CC BY-SA 2.0


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