Honey Locust

Scientific name : Gleditsia triacanthos
Other names: Česky: Dřezovec trojtrnný , Dansk: Almindelig Tretorn , Deutsch: Gleditschie , Esperanto: Kristodorna glediĉio , Español: "Acacia" de tres Espinas , Suomi: Kolmioka , Français: Févier d'Amérique , Italiano: Spino di Giuda , Nederlands: Valse Christusdoorn , Polski: Iglicznia trójcierniowa , Português: Acacia Americana , Slovensky: Gledíčia trojtŕňová

Short Description

Deciduous, up to 40 m high tree with slim, upwards widening light crown, bark dark grey brown, initially smooth, later peridermal and fielded in larger tiles, occasionally with striking tufts of stiff thorns on older specimens, Leaves alternate, single or ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Gleditsia triacanthos
Photo: Luis Fernández García / License: CC BY 2.0


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