Spanish Fir

Scientific name : Abies pinsapo
Other names: Deutsch: Spanische Tanne , Esperanto: Pinsapo , Español: Pinsapo , Suomi: Espanjanpihta , Français: Sapin d'Andalousie , Italiano: Abete di Spagna , Português: Abeto Espanhol , Slovensky: Jedľa španielska , Türkçe: İspanya göknarı

Short Description

Wintergreen, up to 30 m high conifer, of wide pyramidal outline, with branches sticking out, lower branches are hanging; Needles 1-2 cm long, acyclic distributed around the twigs axis, stiff but not pointed; Blooming period April-May; Cones up to 5 ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Abies pinsapo
Photo: Sten Porse / License: CC-BY-SA-3.0, GFDL


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