Broadleaf Spindle

Scientific name : Euonymus latifolia
Other names: Deutsch: Breitblättriger Spindelbaum , Español: Hojas del árbol del huso , Français: Fusain à larges feuilles , Italiano: Foglie dell'albero mandrino , Português: Folhas da árvore do eixo

Short Description

Deciduous shrub with upright, squarrose, ash gray branches, up to 5m high, smooth branches and twigs, virgate, round or slightly pressed together, opposite and longish-ovate leaves, finely acuminated, 6-12cm long and up to 5cm wide, feather-veined , dark green, almost ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Euonymus latifolia
Photo: F. Hecker / Hassler


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