
Scientific name : Ribes rubrum
Other names: Česky: Rybíz červený , Dansk: Have-Ribs , Deutsch: Rote Johannisbeere , Español: Grosellero , Eesti: Punane sõstar , Suomi: Punaherukka , Français: Groseillier à grappes , Italiano: Ribes rosso , Lietuviškai: Raudonasis serbentas , Latviešu: Sarkanā jāņoga , Nederlands: Aalbes , Polski: Porzeczka zwyczajna , Português: Groselha , Русский: Смородина красная , Svenska: Röda vinbär

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Short Description

Deciduous, bushy shrub with upright branches, 1-2m; bare shoots, without spines or thorns; alternate leaves, long-stalked, 3 to 5 lobed, heart-shaped or truncated at the base, up to 7cm wide, roughly serrated, pointed lobes, first fuzzy hairs on the bottom ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer




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