
Scientific name : Valeriana officinalis
Other names: Deutsch: Arznei-Baldrian (Echter) , Español: Valeriana común , Eesti: Palderjan , Suomi: Rohtovirmajuuri , Français: Valériane des collines , Italiano: Valeriana comune , Lietuviškai: Vaistinis valerijonas , Latviešu: Ārstniecības baldriāns , Nederlands: Echte Valeriaan , Norsk: Legevendelrot , Polski: Kozłek Lekarski , Português: Valeriana , Русский: Валериана лекарственная , Slovenščina: Baldrijan , Svenska: Läkevänderot , Türkçe: Kedi otu

Short Description

Valerian contains essential oil, especially in the root organs, and alkaloids with the calming effect of an anticonvulsant. Valerian is traditionally used in homeopathy for nervous agitation, insomnia, nervous heart, stomach, and intestinaly complaints either as an infusion (2 teaspoons ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Valeriana officinalis
Photo: 4028mdk09 / License: CC-BY-SA-3.0




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