Greater Plantain

Scientific name : Plantago major
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Böyük bağayarpağı , Català: Plantatge gros , Dansk: Glat Vejbred , Deutsch: Breitwegerich , Español: Llantén , Eesti: Suur teeleht , Basque: Plantain handi , Suomi: Piharatamo , Français: Grand plantain , Hrvatski: Trputac , Magyar: Nagy útifű , Bahasa Indonesia: Daun sendok , Italiano: Piantaggine , 日本語: セイヨウオオバコ , Lietuviškai: Plačialapis gyslotis , Latviešu: Lielā ceļteka , Nederlands: Grote weegbree , Norsk: Groblad , Polski: Babka zwyczajna , Português: Tanchagem , Русский: Подорожник большой , Slovenščina: veliki trpotec , Svenska: Groblad , Türkçe: Büyük sinirli ot , Tiếng Việt: Mã đề

Short Description

Greater plantain contains mucilage and tannins, as well as glycoside aucubin with antibacterial properties. The plant was once used as an anti-irritant, decongestant in catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract, and sometimes also used for mucosal inflammation of the digestive ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Plantago major
Photo: Rasbak / License: GFDL1.2, CC BY-SA 3.0


Greater Plantain


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