
Scientific name : Filipendula ulmaria
Other names: Česky: Tužebník jilmový , Dansk: Almindelig Mjødurt , Deutsch: Mädesüß (Echtes) , Español: Ulmaria , Eesti: Harilik angervaks , Suomi: Mesiangervo, niittymesiangervo , Français: Reine-des-prés , Íslenska: Mjaðjurt , Italiano: Olmaria , Lietuviškai: Pelkinė vingiorykštė , Latviešu: Parastā vīgrieze , Nederlands: Moerasspirea , Norsk: Mjødurt , Polski: Wiązówka błotna , Русский: Таволга вязолистная , Svenska: Älggräs , Türkçe: Çayırkraliçesi

Short Description

In all of the parts of meadowsweet, especially in the flowers, there is a strong, sweet aroma that is salicylic acid and its compounds (drugs that have also been found in willow bark and have been modified to create aspirin). ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Filipendula ulmaria
Photo: Andreas Trepte / License: CC-BY-SA-2.5




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