Greater Burdock

Scientific name : Arctium lappa
Other names: Català: Repalassa , Deutsch: Große Klette , Español: Bardana , Eesti: Suur takjas , Suomi: Isotakiainen , Français: Grande bardane , Italiano: Bardana maggiore , 日本語: ゴボウ , Lietuviškai: Didžioji varnalėša , Latviešu: Lielais diždadzis , Nederlands: Grote klit , Polski: Łopian większy , Português: Bardana , Русский: Лопух большой , Svenska: Stor kardborre

Short Description

The Greater Burdock, similar to its related species the Felted Burdock (Arctium tomentosa) and the Small Burdock (Arctium minor), contains essential fatty oil, mucilage, tannins, and Polyynes. Using the oily extract from the root, pharmacies can create a product for ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Arctium lappa
Photo: Dalgial / License: CC-BY-3.0


Greater Burdock
Greater Burdock


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