
Scientific name : Vanilla planifolia
Other names: Česky: Vanilovník plocholistý , Deutsch: Vanille , Español: Vainilla , Suomi: Vanilja , Français: Vanille , Bahasa Indonesia: Vanili , Italiano: Vaniglia , Lietuviškai: Kvapioji vanilė , Nederlands: Vanille-orchidee , Polski: Wanilia płaskolistna , Português: Baunilha , Русский: Ваниль плосколистная , Slovensky: Vanilka pravá , Svenska: Vaniljorkidé

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Short Description

Perennial climbing shrub; Anchors itself with tendrils on its support; Leaves oval, pudgy, sitting, with longitudinal stripes; Blossoms in the leaf axils, yellowish green, in stalked drupes, open just shortly in the morning; Pollination through collibris or manually in cultivations.
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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