Created with Mushrooms PRO
Danj.duke , Britse , Mr.Lyon , layin_low , jbmpilz , Dennis
Danj.duke April 14, 2023, 10:46 a.m. Report
Did you plant your black morels or are they wild
plzfreund75 April 14, 2023, 4:57 p.m. Report
Hello, these are semi-wild ones 😉😂 I look for places that are freshly sprinkled with pieces of spruce bark (e.g. newly laid out green areas) throughout the year and look the following year in spring from the beginning of April to see if anything is growing there 😉 although many are left standing because they are grow in areas where you don't want to take them with you 😉😂 (dogs) 😂 . But this year I'll try it in my own garden, we'll see next year 😉 . In the wild, morels are extremely rare here in northern Germany!
Hamburg, Deutschland
Scientific name
Morchella conica
Country: DE
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