Created with iKnow Birds PRO - USA
beetherain Aug. 31, 2021, 9:10 a.m.
Thank You !
Gang Sept. 1, 2021, 9:38 a.m.
Beetherain: can you please accept your votes! Thank you
beetherain Sept. 1, 2021, 12:14 p.m.
Gang , I definitely will *, I do not doubt Your Wisdom . I am a novice , still never have seen this Northern Goshawk prior .
Gang Sept. 8, 2021, 11:42 a.m.
Thank you. It is called in German : ein Habicht
beetherain Sept. 11, 2021, 8:16 p.m.
? the Raptor or Thank You < I “ thought “ it was danke ?
beetherain Sept. 11, 2021, 8:17 p.m.
ein Habict ?
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