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Luigi_Galleran 18. Januar 2016 11:51 Verstoß melden
I'm not sure, but oak could be the right answer; at what highness and what are the otre Plants in the photo?
Byron 19. Januar 2016 22:24 Verstoß melden
I'm think it might be possibility based on the striations and wood colour. It's at 2,700 ft not sure of the plants around it except for ferns. I won't be back at the site for about 2 weeks but I'll check out the surrounding plants then. Thanks for to feedback.
Sasquatch333 29. Mai 2016 05:19 Verstoß melden
My guess would be Tsuga partly the colour of the wood and the seedlings growing up around it.
Willamette National Forest, Willamette National for, OR 00069, United States
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: US
Breite: 182
Landschaft: Wald
Teil der Pflanze: Pflanze
Zugang: Öffentlich
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