

gesichtet Blauender Kahlkopf on

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4 Mag ich

Psilocybin , life u like , an_mthfkn_g , GLTrader


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cmcassidy 11. Juli 2018 09:04

Look like P. semilanceata

budo mark 25. Juli 2018 10:19

very early in the year for these psilocibin. very good and lucky find

Psilocybin 9. August 2018 17:00


life u like 27. September 2018 14:57

beautiful looking things, let me know how they taste... 😜🍄😜

bobbyZ 5. Januar 2019 18:06

im sure that two of them are p. semilanceata ;) but think in the middle is it too.

hummmmm 4. Februar 2019 06:28

P. Semilanceata does not grow in my area, only p cyanescens, these are young partially sun dried specimens, when they are older and more water fed they fan out beautifully


Main South Road, Drouin VIC 3818, Australia

Auf Google Maps



Wissenschaftlicher Name :
Psilocybe cyanescens
Land: AU
Höhe: 7
Landschaft: an Nadelholz
Standort: Wald

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