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diakonos 12. September 2018 08:27 Verstoß melden
Arum Maculatum, this root is gold, because dried it lost his poison property. on the holy mountain Agio Oros in Greece, they took the root, dice it in 0,5 cm piecec, drie it and put it with honey. After a few days they use it against cancer! it has to be taken within 14 in the morning. Do not chew beacuas it 's very spicy. But do not use it with classic chemio therapy. At methastasis, take ae break of 14 days and repeat the therapy for 14 days. This is what I have heard directly from the monks in Agio Oros, Athos.
tienno 15. September 2018 14:03 Verstoß melden
Sans doute le fouet tacheté (Arum maculatum)
6190 E County Road 350 N, Brownsburg, IN 46112, United States
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: US
Landschaft: Wald
Teil der Pflanze: Frucht
Zugang: Öffentlich
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