Erstellt mit Pilzführer PRO
SuMazik 16. November 2020 10:09 Verstoß melden
This pic made by my friend Tina E.
SuMazik 17. November 2020 02:38 Verstoß melden
Mycena chlorophos
Doody 18. November 2020 02:14 Verstoß melden
SuMazik 18. November 2020 12:27 Verstoß melden
They are so tiny like the nail on your little finger! It was exiting to find them in the dark. We hiked in along the Togcha river about 20 minutes by full moon. When it got dark we still had to wait about 15 minutes till they started glow. It was amazing. Lots of little tiny spots in the bamboos forest. I will go back to have again this life experience. For sure I will take another camera to do better pictures. I had ihone7 that time - got blurry pictures. My friends used Samsung - it just worked perfectly!!!
Togcha River, Yona, Guam, United States
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: GU
Breite: 1
Höhe: 2
Landschaft: an Nadelholz
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