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Bioluminescence mushroom Mycena chlorophos

Erstellt mit Pilzführer PRO

7 Mag ich

Haili , Britse , ManuM , YEY , wooqchhyuk , Doody , Riojano


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Doody 15. November 2020 17:41 Verstoß melden

Wow! Great shot 👍

Doody 15. November 2020 17:58 Verstoß melden

Are you sure it’s Mycena interrupta? Just reading up on it there and online blurb says it is not bioluminescent (doesn’t mean that’s true, can’t believe everything one reads online!) I’ve no books on mushrooms in your part of the world. Guam sounds amazing, what a place to go mushroom hunting. Would love to see a day time shot of it if you can find it again!

SuMazik 15. November 2020 23:41 Verstoß melden

Hi Doody! Thank you for your comment. I will look into it one more time to get the right name. I can ask my professor. I scanned the mushroom picture with a “Picture mushroom” app. We were mushroom hunting with my biologist college friends 2 years ago. I was so excited that I forgot the name... if you have any other idea what it can be pls let me know... I would be very happy. Take care and will be nice to hear from you! Nice regards Susanna

SuMazik 16. November 2020 00:37 Verstoß melden

Doody! The closest I could find: Mycena illuminans /Pacific Islands Yaaay 🙃

SuMazik 17. November 2020 02:32 Verstoß melden

Mycena chlopopus

SuMazik 18. November 2020 12:37 Verstoß melden

Mycena chlorophos!!!


Talofofo, Guam 96915, United States

Auf Google Maps



Wissenschaftlicher Name :
Land: GU
Breite: 1
Höhe: 2
Landschaft: an Nadelholz
Standort: Wald

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