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RSC 17. Oktober 2024 08:30 Verstoß melden
Volvariella spec.
Jeeves 17. Oktober 2024 08:56 Verstoß melden
Oh yes ! A straw mushroom. Thx very much and makes sense with it growing in an open field. Interesting that they are edible but I certainly am too nervous.
Somewhat Lancelike 17. Oktober 2024 09:19 Verstoß melden
Big Sheath mushroom. Formerly known as Volvariella gloiocephalus but now Volvopluteus gloiocephalus. Not recommended for consumption due to its similarity to amanita phalloides.
Jeeves 17. Oktober 2024 09:22 Verstoß melden
They do look similar for sure. Pretty though but sadly, very common although not where I live in the UK. Than you everyone for your identification.
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: GB
Breite: 2
Landschaft: an Laubholz
Standort: Wiesen und Weiden
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