Erstellt mit Vogelführer PRO
ThonioLL 3. Juni 2021 13:13
Humerus bird
Linchen11 3. Juni 2021 14:20
This is hard.
Gang 4. Juni 2021 01:27
Big bone! Maybe a swan!
ThonioLL 4. Juni 2021 11:29
Thank you !
perehawk 26. Juni 2021 03:20
Maybe a goose… It’s very light so it must be a bird that has to fly long distances OR spend most of the time flying. It is quite big so the bird must be large. It looks like it might be a wing joint- it’s owner may have been quite aggressive and may have gotten into a lot of fights. That’s all I can gather…
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: FR
Anzahl: 1
Landschaft: Küste
Aktivität: Tot
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