Erstellt mit Pilzführer PRO
RSC 15. November 2022 14:45
You take it home? Please make a cut in half
RSC 16. November 2022 13:35
Think about, nearly two days and dont even know the genus exactly🤦🏻♂️ i think its the genus psilocybe, because the grassland and the glossy, greasy surface on the hat
RSC 16. November 2022 13:38
But maby there was a ring before, then also probably two genus more. Galerina spec and stropharia spec.
pandachopsp 16. November 2022 15:02
Interesting! I will look for more next time I go there and take photos cut in half and spore print too. Thank you 😊
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: GB
Breite: 1
Höhe: 5
Standort: Äcker und Feldflur
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