Erstellt mit Wilde Beeren & Kräuter PRO
DukeBogart 9. Juni 2024 12:10 Verstoß melden
Looks like black raspberry. Often has a waxy appearance to it. Pull off when ripe. if the berry is hollow and the part it attached to is cone shaped it’s Black raspberry. Wait for 2nd opinion before eating.
Hope7 16. Juni 2024 22:25 Verstoß melden
The App “Plant This” says it is “Black Rasberry” botanical name: Rubus occidentalis
jojarrett 6. Juli 2024 20:14 Verstoß melden
Personally, I think that it is wild raspberry. Since it’s raspberry like shape , and leaf shaped and size from a distance.
satko 10. Juli 2024 15:22 Verstoß melden
I have these in my yard. We eat every season. Whether they are called black or wild ,pulling this fruit off vine leaves the pit,seed or whatever is from the middle, on the vine. Our very is size. I have some stalks of this thorn vine that grow independently and thick. The other stalks are much more vine like. The latter produces small fruit. The former double or more in size of the small ones. They start off red and turns dark as it matures. It is not shaped like a blackberry
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: US
Landschaft: Wald
Teil der Pflanze: Pflanze
Zugang: Privat
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