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Somewhat Lancelike 15. Oktober 2024 04:11 Verstoß melden
There are quite a few amanita species and subspecies found in North America that are often misidentified as amanita muscaria, especially by European mycologists. This one isn’t open enough to clearly see the color of the cap beneath the veil remnants, but it doesn’t look bright red. Take a look at a. aprica, a. persicina, a. franchetti, etc. You really need more photos from different angles for a stronger ID, and it would be helpful to see this specimen after it has opened further.
thierryttz 15. Oktober 2024 06:06 Verstoß melden
PDXoPDX 18. Oktober 2024 14:51 Verstoß melden
Resubmitting with better photos
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Amanita muscaria
Land: US
Standort: Äcker und Feldflur
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