Erstellt mit Pilzführer PRO
RSC 13. November 2024 04:44 Verstoß melden
Villeicht noch ein Foto der unterseite?
Somewhat Lancelike 13. November 2024 08:08 Verstoß melden
You’ll get better response if you can include 3-4 photos of a mushroom. Top, bottom, and side view. Then if you’re able to, cut it in half and wait a minute before taking a photo of the cut side. Some mushrooms change color when they’re cut or bruised. What does it smell like? Where was it growing? All these details are helpful. I can see this one is growing directly on what appears to be a dead hardwood log. It seems to be a saprotrophic polypore, but I can’t tell you much more than that without more information/photos.
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Land: US
Landschaft: an Nadelholz
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