Dusky Warbler

Scientific name : Phylloscopus fuscatus
Other names: Brezhoneg: Puig kazugel , Dansk: Brun Løvsanger , Deutsch: Dunkellaubsänger , Esperanto: Bruna filoskopo , Español: Mosquitero sombrío , Suomi: Ruskouunilintu , Français: Pouillot brun , Magyar: Barna füzike , Lietuviškai: Rudoji pečialinda , Nederlands: Bruine Boszanger , Norsk: Brunsanger , Polski: Świstunka brunatna , Português: Felosa-sombria , Русский: Бурая пеночка , Svenska: Brunsångare

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Short Description

Its distribution extends over a range of 3,830,000 km².


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