Red-throated Loon

Scientific name : Gavia stellata
Other names: Български: Червеногуш гмуркач , Brezhoneg: Splujer gouzoug ruz , Català: Calàbria petita , Česky: Potáplice malá , Dansk: Rødstrubet Lom , Deutsch: Sterntaucher , Esperanto: Ruĝgorĝa kolimbo , Español: Colimbo chico , Eesti: Punakurk-kaur , Basque: Aliota txiki , Suomi: Kaakkuri , Français: Plongeon catmarin , Magyar: Északi búvár , Italiano: Strolaga minore , 日本語: アビ , Lietuviškai: Rudakaklis naras , Latviešu: Brūnkakla gārgale , Nederlands: Roodkeelduiker , Norsk (nynorsk): Smålom , Norsk: Smålom , Polski: Nur rdzawoszyi , Português: Mobelha-pequena , Русский: Краснозобая гагара , Svenska: Smålom , Türkçe: Kızıl gerdanlı dalgıç , Українська: Гагара червоновола

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Short Description

Red-throated Diver is the smallest of the loons. The breeding plumage is characterized by the red-brick front neck. The top of the wing and the back is brownish gray, the sides of the neck and head are gray, the neck ...


Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon


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